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Shure SM7B - Replacement

"My current shure has some... hardware issues. It's preventing me from creating content due to mic outages, weird sounds, etc. A replacement would do wonders!"


Samsung 870 EVO SATA III SSD 1TB 2.5” Internal Solid State Drive, Upgrade PC or Laptop Memory and Storage for IT Pros, Creators, Everyday Users, MZ-77E1T0B/AM - 1TB

"need a backup content drive... old one brok :c"

$15 DoorDash Giftcard

$15 DoorDash Giftcard

"sometimes streamer gets hungie. feed the strimmer by gibing da food."

$25 DoorDash Giftcard

$25 DoorDash Giftcard

"sometimes streamer gets hungie. feed the strimmer by gibing da food."

Car Payments!

Car Payments!

"To support with my monthly car payments! Please only CONSIDER if you yourself are well off enough that large payments like these won't disrupt your day to day life!"


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